
Gambling in Asia

Gambling is extremely popular throughout Asia, even though many Asian countries do not allow gambling legally. This does not stop illegal casinos and betting shops being frequented by the hungry punters, and the money that is spent on gambling throughout Asia is incredible.

gambling-in-asia-1aThere are ways of getting around the gambling laws set by many Asian countries, and one way is to gamble off shore where they are in international waters. So there are many gambling cruises that go out for short trips, and these are usually packed full of gamblers every single cruise.

Then there is the gambling mecca in Asia, which is Macau. There are many big ‘Vegas’ style hotels here, and a lot of junkets are brought in to play here. The amount of money spent at the bigger hotels is incredible, far surpassing the entire spend of the Las Vegas strip. These are serious gamblers who spend serious money when they gamble.

One of the biggest games that Asian gamblers like to play is Baccarat. You will find many Baccarat tables on the gambling ships and in the Macau hotels. Roulette is also another very popular game that is played throughout Asia. When many Asians gamble they are very superstitious, and this is very evident when you see their Roulette strategies they play.

Online gambling is something that has not been allowed in most Asian countries so far. Online casinos require very stringent governing, and there are no organizations ready to do this in a lot of Asian countries. But if it does ever take off it will surely be a massive money maker for the casino operators, and the governments with the tax money they make from it.